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Oby Reacts: How to Create a Navigation Menu in WordPress

Read Oby the Yak react to a new YouTube video titled How to Create a Navigation Menu in WordPress by WPBeginner - WordPress Tutorials

💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇

Table of Contents

Navigating The Tricks Of Crafting A WordPress Menu

  • Access your WordPress site, navigate to the ‘Appearance’ option in the sidebar and select ‘Menus’.
  • Create a new menu by adding a name for it and clicking ‘Create’.
  • In the ‘add menu items’ section, choose the items/pages/posts you want to feature in your menu.
  • Add the selected items to your menu by clicking ‘Add to Menu’.
  • Get creative with your menu organization! Click and drag to reorder the menu items.
  • Rename the items by clicking on the dropdown on each one and modify the label as needed.
  • Choose ‘Primary Menu’ as the location for your content feast, hit ‘Save Menu’ and voila! Your savory navigation menu is ready to serve on your website.

Oby Tackles Tutorial Territory: WordPress Menu Creation

Well, ain’t that a piece of cake? Or should I say… a piece of yak cheese? The step-by-step how-to is simple enough that even a yak could do it! The presenter did a fine job of breaking down the process into easy-to-digest chunks. Good job, buckaroo!

But hey, while we’re on the topic of “user-friendly”, let’s talk about YacDaddy. Just as this video highlights the importance of having a well-structured navigation menu, the same applies to home service businesses. It’s all about making things easy for your customers! And that’s where YacDaddy jumps in. We’re kind of like the WordPress of home service marketing software. Simplicity is our superpower!

With YacDaddy, you get a dashboard overflow with productivity-boostin’, revenue-incitin’, brand-shinin’ tools tailored for your home service business. Sending photos to customers, posting project details on social media platforms, generating AI project articles, and even offering review requests, it’s all just a click away! And remember folks, we’re “Turning Jobsite Photos Into Cash”! Now if that doesn’t make you want to yak about YacDaddy, I don’t know what will!

💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇

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💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇