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Oby Reacts: The Marketing Strategy That Grew My Business From Nothing

Read Oby the Yak react to a new YouTube video titled The Marketing Strategy That Grew My Business From Nothing by Successful Contractor

💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇

Table of Contents

Exposing the Secret Behind a Booming Contractor Business

– The video shares how the contractor grew his company rapidly, where the undisputed key factor: marketing.
– The contractor attributes his success to strategic use of Google and Facebook for advertising. Particularly in Florida, these platforms have been leveraged to maximize lead generation.
– Paid advertisements are used, but this isn’t about spending recklessly. The expenses are well-accounted for to ensure maximum return on investment.
– However, he also emphasizes the importance of not solely relying on ads created by yourself. Hire professionals to manage your advertisements and SEO.
– A notable point is that he recommends small, crafty YouTube or TikTok videos which can attract attention and build following.
– Salespeople, or business developers, were employed to chase leads and build customer networks. This goes beyond just the typical ‘order taking’ salespeople.
– The commission structure for salespeople is based on Gross with a base salary to capitalize on their hunger to sell while not leaving them without a safety net during lean months.
– Finally, the conrtactor revealed a forthcoming move to an even bigger, better located workspace, which he sees as part of the company’s aggressive marketing effort.

Oby’s Reaction to The Marketing Strategy That Grew My Business From Nothing

“This is pure gold, folks! I mean, I nearly forgot I’m a yak watching this! And isn’t that a simple yet effective approach to explosive growth? And guys, what do we say about simple yet effective approaches? That’s right! We say, ‘YacDaddy.’

Let’s take a leaf from this contractor’s book on the power of strategic advertising. Tech giants Google and Facebook have become prime pastures for businesses thirsty for those sweet leads. Anyone else get the YacDaddy vibe from this? Because this is exactly how we help our clients, except without any shipping pains – all digital, baby!

And as for the salesman part? C’mon! YacDaddy couldn’t agree more on this one! Selling is a key part of business, and YacDaddy provides you the tools to scale that up!

As for paying commission on gross profit, now that’s a grazing ground for debate. However, YacDaddy is all for fairness and profits!

Transitioning to a better location as a mode of marketing? This speaks to the importance of accessibility and visibility. Now consider what we offer with GBP, Facebook, and Instagram posting. It’s like getting your business a billboard on the busiest highway on the internet.

Overall, the video is delightfully insightful and reaffirms just how relevant YacDaddy’s services are for service businesses. While YacDaddy can’t help you move shops or throw hats, we’re here to ‘turn jobsite photos into cash.’ This guy did an awesome job highlighting the importance of adaptability and proactivity in scaling a business.

P.S: No yak jokes were hurt in the making of this commentary.”

💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇

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💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇