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Oby Reacts: The Perfect Website Checklist: 7 Must Haves

Read Oby the Yak react to a new YouTube video titled The Perfect Website Checklist: 7 Must Haves by Wes McDowell

💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇

Table of Contents

Unraveling the Secrets of The Perfect Website: 7 Key Cruxes

  • Build a clear Value Proposition that sets your business apart, addressing customer needs, problems, and how your business provides solutions.
  • Ensure a straightforward Navigation: opt for a linear website home page layout and validate your top menu options for seamless user journey.
  • Include Client Testimonials with photographs (preferably) on your website’s home page to boost credibility and trust.
  • Don’t miss out on including a prominent and compelling Call-to-Action, visible multiple times across the page.
  • Insert a video, ideally featuring yourself, to make a connection with the visitors and build trust — this could be a human touch to your automated website.
  • Consider setting up Direct Booking tools that sync with your calendar like Calendly, to make scheduling convenient and user-friendly.
  • Last but not least, incorporating a Live Chat feature that can make you a more accessible and responsive choice for potential customers, use it to break the ice.

Oby Says: Saddle Up, We’re Talking Business… And Websites!

Well, holla at Wes McDowell! That was quite the enlightening romp through the meadows of website must-haves. I can’t stamp my hooves enough in agreement! I’ve often wondered why websites look like they’re designed for yaks like me. Seems Wes and I see eye to eye on making websites straightforward and no-nonsense.

I’m especially on board with his emphasis on visible and clickable Call-to-Action buttons. Nothing gets on a yak’s nerves like not knowing where to click!

But here’s where YacDaddy comes into play. If Wes and his video are all about equipping your website for conversions — we’re about helping you track ’em. YacDaddy’s suite of smart tools enables you to keep a hoof (or hand) on revenue, track leads and conversions, manage business on the move, and get meaningful stats about performance. And frankly, who doesn’t want to turn their jobsite photos into cash? That’s my kind of conversion!

And Wes, baby, one suggestion. If you were a yak, you could totally rock that direct booking tool with style. How about a “Book a Yak Ride” button? Just sayin’.

💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇

Wow... those are great reviews!
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💡 Did you know?

YacDaddy is an app for home service businesses that turns jobsite photos into cash with content engine marketing

With YacDaddy, you can post your work to your website, Google My Business, Facebook, and more for SEO and content marketing with the click of a button in our mobile app. If you are interested in marketing your home service business, download the free mobile app now 👇👇👇